Our Story

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Detroit brought us together. We went for one thing but God had another in mind. It was the table. The table on Dequindre Street. None of us noticed its importance as we hurried by to look at our rooms. But that table. Not one trip but two. The second trip, there were more. Some present out of obligation. Obligation to cover others who volunteered. Others came out of curiosity and invitation. But, it was the table.

Who knew one piece of furniture could be so powerful? Who knew one piece of furniture could be so transformative? But the table…not one, but two visitations caused the same effect. At the table, the effect of minds colliding and spirits converging. Colliding and converging to impregnate and birth a family. A bond that none of us imagined but can now not exist without.

Oh, the power of God at work. A work to mold from the dust and breathe. Breathe breath for dry bones. Dry bones to stand. Stand with life. Stand as a mighty army. An army poised for Kingdom work for God’s glory alone. And this all began at the table.